

Dear CRF, My Sister Invited My Ex…

Dear CRF, “So my sister is getting married this year. I’m so suppose to be in the wedding, but she invited my ex who screwed me over and is the main reason why I moved out of the state to try to start over and rebuild. I told my sister that if she goes I’m not going. Her reply “you need to get over it.” I truly dislike this broad, so am I in the wrong if I don’t go? ” CRF RESPONSE: Thanks for writing in with this issue.Read More

Dear CRF, Since When Do I Need Permission?

Dear Code Red Flag, “I recently broke up with my children’s father after 11yrs. We have two daughters together and I also have an older daughter from a previous relationship (which he didn’t meet until a yr after dating! I just don’t get down like that, bringing men around my children so easily). Anyway, the convo came up about me eventually dating, which I’m no where near ready to do at this point, but he stated that when the time comes he would have to not only meet the manRead More

No New Friends

Is it possible to have friends of the opposite sex with little no sexual tension between them? I would most certainly think so. Today, this subject seems to come up more and more as the dating and relationship scene quickly evolve. It is certainly not uncommon for people to have significant others of the opposite gender and even less so for them to have a past. While a lot of current significant others grind their teeth in what seems to be insecurity, many are at a loss on what toRead More

The EX Factor

A few weeks ago, I had my heart broken for the second time by the same man for the exact same reason. That reason being his return to a relationship that had been on and off in his life for the past few years. A relationship that he tried his hardest to convince me, himself, and others, that he would not be returning to again. A relationship that he tried to move on from One that he tried to move on from by creating a new relationship with me. ClassicRead More
