It’s over. You and your significant other have decided that you are ending your relationship. Now the question of remaining friends arises. You’re not sure whether it’s a good idea. And truthfully, it might not be. While I am friends with a few of my exes, not all of them make the cut. Friendships are relationships without physical intimacy. As such, the basic tenets apply. Being Loyal– if your relationship ended due to disloyalty why would you want a disloyal person as your friend? Being Dependable– friends should be reliableRead More
Issa Rae’s brand new show, “Insecure,” has captured the imagination and the realities of far too many of us in its pilot season. For those who haven’t watched the show, I’d encourage you to catch up. It airs on HBO. In short, the show follows the lives of three late 20-something’s as they grapple with the reality of ever looming adulthood. Complete with the full gamut of adult issues, ranging from employment issues, to the full gamut of friendship and relationship troubles. It represents a mirror for each of theRead More
Why do men cheat? It’s an age-old question; so old but yet still so relevant, even today. Women in all cultures have asked this question and they still are asking this question. “Why do men have to cheat?” It’s like it is inevitable—get a man and you get a cheat. Grant it, not all men cheat. They don’t. But enough men do cheat to justify asking the question of all men; “Why do men cheat?” A simple Google search of the term yields 20,900,000 hits. There are thousands of articlesRead More
It never fails, when you are missing something in your relationship someone else will be more than willing to give it to you. It could be something big or small but they are there lurking ready to give it to you. It is scary how the one thing you are missing will suddenly appear from someone else. For example, if you and your mate have not been physically intimate in a while an ex or even a stranger will find their way to you and offer up their loving onRead More