


Dear Code Red Flag, “I have been with my man for 15 years. I found out he’s been cheating for the last 2 yrs paying her bills. She’s not the only one there have been others in the last 2 years. I also found out he had a sexual relationship with the woman we adopted a baby from back in 2005. God knows how long that lasted because she still calls!!! He wants to work it out with me. Will I be stupid to seek counseling with him? I don’tRead More

Make the Decision to be Happy and Whole

Some people have damaged childhood i.e. memories/pain that filter into adulthood. As caretakers, we are responsible for building positive self-esteem by modeling and showing love, appreciation, acceptance and demonstrating conflict resolution is a positive light. Furthermore, in order to have healthy relationships, you must work on the inner demons that cause you to become stagnant, withdrawn and lonely. Most people make the mistake of carrying the same negative baggage into a new relationship only to see it destroyed because of the same patterns/issues i.e. infidelity, insecurity, jealousy, low self-esteem. YouRead More

Clingy Cheaters

Clingy partners are most likely to cheat, according to a new study. A new infidelity reveals that insecure people who find it hard to trust are more likely to commit adultery compared to their more confident counterparts. Researchers at Florida State University studied 200 newlyweds over a period of four years. Participants were regularly asked to complete questionnaires about their feelings toward their partner and how secure their felt in the relationship. The findings revealed that people who displayed needy behavior and who were anxious about being abandoned by theirRead More
