


Until death, do us part.

In 1928, Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher vowed to love each other for a lifetime and boy did they mean it. In 2008, the couple were inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records for breaking the record for the world’s longest marriage. The Fishers were married a total of 87 years. In an interview they were asked their secret to record breaking love and marriage and how they managed to last. The couple says: 1. What made you realize that you could spend the rest of your lives together? WereRead More

10 Things Men Should Strive For In Their Next Relationship

If you’re looking for advice on finding love again from a guy’s perspective, get ready to do some digging. The lion’s share of post-split advice out there is geared toward women, written to help them get over Mr. Wrong so they can find Mr. Right. But finding lasting love poses just as many challenges for men as it does for women. That’s why we were happy to see a recent Reddit thread pop up on the one thing men should strive for in a relationship. Read some of the mostRead More

Dear CRF, I’m in Love with Two Women

Dear CRF, “I’m in love with two women, if I hadn’t met one, I would be happy with the other.  But what do you do when you feel “It” for two women?” CRF RESPONSE You find yourself in quite a dilemma. My first suggestion would be to be honest with yourself.  Do you really love these women or are you just loving the affection and attention they are showing you.  If you can honestly answer yes you do love them both then you must respect them both enough to tellRead More

Dear CRF, Should I Tell Him?

Dear CRF, “I love reading all of your posts about your journey and commitment with remaining celibate. I think it’s great and I pray I can be as strong as you are. Question: How soon after meeting a man do you recommend sharing with him your commitment to God and celibacy. In the beginning were you hesitant to share this information with men? I am finding it very hard to believe men will wait for marriage. Even if the woman has made this commitment NOT to pressure him or manipulateRead More
