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You need to put some respeck on your marriage! That’s right I said it, and I ain’t gonna say it no mo! Today on the crazy internet that is social media, a wife did a take over of her husband’s account and demanded, “Hello to all my husband (sic) female friends. I will be sending out friend request (sic). And like I said before if ur (sic) not friends with me you can’t be friends with him. Lady’s (sic) have some respect. He is a happily married man. GN have a bless (sic) night. From Greg’s wife.”

Chile, bye Felicia. You are doing the MOST! In fact you are doing too much! First of all, as a grown woman you should recognize that you can only control your actions; not Greg’s or his female friends. And you’ve acted a complete ass and shamed yourself, your husband, and your marriage.

To make matters worse, when one of his female friends decided that she didn’t want to be your friend on social media because she doesn’t know YOU, she knows your husband, you had the audacity to tell her that her longtime friendship with your husband is now over and you were going to delete and block her. Are you serious? How old are you? This immaturity that you are displaying will only cause conflict in your marriage. So the happiness you claim to share with your husband will soon begin to fade, if it hasn’t already.

I don’t know what caused you to act out on social media today. That is for you to figure out. However let me give you just a little advice that I’ve received from a married guy friend of mine (no I am not friends with his wife). My friend said just the other day, “If my queen should ever have to leave her throne to deal with a woman who doesn’t know her place, if she has one, in MY KINGDOM . . . then I’m not fit to be king!”
You see, my friend understands that if a woman ever steps out of line and attempts to cause a conflict in his marriage it is HIS job to check that woman. He must set the boundaries for the people in his life so that he makes sure to protect his wife, himself, and his marriage. Now that’s how you put some respeck on your marriage.

Young woman, I leave you with this advice, grow up, stop checking your husband’s every move. You are his wife, not his warden. If there comes a time that you sense something is awry communicate that with your husband not the worldwide web. You need to do better and I ain’t gonna say it no mo!

Ladies, do you think that your man’s friends have to be your friends as well?

Written by Dena Reid, Esq., Founder of Code Red Flag and Amazon bestselling author of Flag On The Play. Ms. Reid is also a legally trained Conflict Mediator/Coach who specializes in family and domestic disputes. Ms. Reid writes an advice column, hosts events, facilitates workshops, and speaks nationwide on a variety of topics. For more information email info@coderedflag.com.

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