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Have you ever went on a first, or any number date, and knew right away that this person was not for you? Did you feel stuck? Are you the type who would feel compelled to stay on the date instead of ending it right away? I’m not!

I don’t regret ending it and I don’t feel like my time was wasted.

In fact, just this past weekend I had the shortest date of my entire adult life. It lasted all of 10 minutes. I don’t regret ending it and I don’t feel like my time was wasted.

You see, I make it a point to go out once a weekend. I had to do this because I was becoming too much of a homebody in my old age (I’m turning 40) and well, that’s kinda boring. So anyway, once a weekend, Friday-Sunday, I make it a point to go out into the city and socialize. That could mean by myself, with friends/associates, or on a date.

I always schedule my dates for the weekend for this purpose. I know that I will have to get dolled up and go out so even if the date doesn’t work out I can still enjoy my night out on the town. Hell, one weekend I even met someone new after another dating failure (last minute reschedule which I made a cancellation cause you don’t reschedule last minute unless it’s an emergency). Good times!

The moral of the story is, you are never stuck in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. As an adult, you should be able to communicate your discomfort and do what is best for you going forward. Even if that means ending the date ten minutes in.

Want to know why I called it quits on this guy? Read the full story here.

Written by Dena Reid, Esq. Founder of Code Red Flag. Be sure to follow #CodeRedFlag on IG, Facebook, & Twitter.

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