June, 2014


Let’s Get Married

Quick question, which is more desirous of marriage – men or women? I think the easy answer would be women. And how could it not, when, since the womb, women have been reared towards monogamy and, ultimately, marriage. From their parents teaching them to find a good husband to settle down with to every Disney cartoon with a prince and a princess hooking up and falling in love happily ever after, influence of marriage is everywhere. Even though this may seem harmless, it could lead to added and unwanted pressure,Read More

The Sex Starved Marriage

Do (or did) you and your spouse have significantly different levels of desire for sex? If so, you are not alone. Did you know that 1 in 3 couples has a sexual desire gap? But just because you aren’t alone, it doesn’t mean you should be complacent about a ho-hum sexual relationship. You shouldn’t. It can lead to a miserably angry spouse, infidelity and divorce. If you don’t believe me, watch this TEDx talk on The Sex-Starved Marriage And although solutions to this sexual divide abound in magazines, self-help booksRead More

No Letting Go

I am an Erykah Badu fan, and even though some of her earlier fans may have fallen off throughout the years because of her ever-evolving sound, I am one of the remaining faithful. After listening to Bag Lady yesterday for about the millionth time, I realized that this song has to be one of the most selfish songs ever made in the history of selfish songs. I know this may not be a popular sentiment since a lot of people can resonate with the song, but IMO it’s selfish. It’sRead More

No Good Cheaters

In most instances, infidelity is a relationship killer. In some cases, the non cheating mate is clueless as to the cheating. Most men and women would like to believe that their mate would never do something to hurt them or cause their relationship to end. Unfortunately, for some cheating is a regular occurrence in their relationship. Many will have you believing that there is shared fault when a significant other cheats: something that was lacking in the relationship was the root cause of the infidelity and therefore the cheaters actionsRead More

Is It Ok to Date Again?

Let’s say you and your boo thang break up, and you both go your separate ways without so much as a regret, or looking back. Hell, Trinidad James has a better chance of winning “Are you smarter than a 5th grader” than the two of you getting back together. So the question is, when is the appropriate time for you to start dating again? Better yet, does it even matter? I mean if it’s over, then should there even be a time table on when one or both start datingRead More
