Sunday, March 30th, 2014


Why You’re Not Married

You want to get married. It’s taken a while to admit it. Saying it out loud — even in your mind — feels kind of desperate, kind of unfeminist, kind of definitely not you, or at least not any you that you recognize. Because you’re hardly like those girls on TLC saying yes to the dress and you would never compete for a man like those poor actress-wannabes on The Bachelor. You’ve never dreamt of an aqua-blue ring box. Then, something happened. Another birthday, maybe. A breakup. Your brother’s wedding.Read More

Why You’ll Never ‘Get’ a Man

When it comes to dating and love, everyone wants the same thing: a fantastic partner. And when you want something, it’s only natural to think about how you’re going to get it, right? You want to know what should you wear, say, do – or equally important – what you should NOT wear, say, or do to bag the prize. The prize being the man of your dreams, on bended knee. But here’s the deal: you will never “get” a man. I know your mind just skimmed right over thatRead More
