Dear CRF, “Ok so my BFF is supposed to be getting married her wedding is only a few weeks away. We all have our stuff done- dresses shoes appts- allRead More
Dear CRF, “When you are dating someone with kids (one person or both people) exclusively, when should you expect to come first? In marriage, you are suppose to come firstRead More
Dear CRF, “What are your thoughts on the term “work wife” or “work husband”? My coworker’s wife is out of town and a woman he calls his work wife hasRead More
Dear CRF, “You walk in the house, go upstairs, and hear your husband on speaker phone with his boy, who happens to be your girl’s husband. He’s talking about divorce,Read More
#DearCRF, “This past weekend I saw an old friend from high school. In high school (I’m talking sophomore year), I dated one of his friends, that’s how we know eachRead More