Every wedding I have ever attended included in the vows between the bride and groom, til death do us part. But if we look around these days we see couples splitting up for trivial as well as major issues they were unable to conquer as husband and wife. Marriage seems to be as temporary for some as a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. People are staying in their marriage until it gets hard, until it requires work, until it no longer serves them as they think they should. That is not my definition and when I get married I will say Til Death Do Us Part and mean it.
I know many of you think it’s naïve of me, a single, never been married woman to believe that I can say I will never get a divorce. Maybe you’re right so I won’t say that. What I will say however is that I will do my part to fight for my marriage. In fact, I have already started. What I mean by that is that I am preparing to be not just a bride or a wife but a life partner. I am taking steps to recognize my strengths as well as my weaknesses, understand how men think and behave, and even understand the steps needed to overcome conflict.
That last part is crucial. No relationship is without conflict, I don’t expect my marriage to be any different. Recently I received a program by relationship guru Mort Fertel. The program is called Marriage Fitness. I am using it as a prerequisite for marriage. If you’re already married you can use it as a resource to help you and your spouse get over the hurdles of your relationship as they come. The program can be used individually or as a unit so if needed one spouse could do the program alone.
The program, which costs $399, includes The Complete Marriage Fitness Workbook & Personal Journal, a copy of Mort’s Best Seller Marriage Fitness: 4 Steps to Building & Maintaining Phenomenal Love, and 2 audio learning systems. Additionally, by purchasing this program, you are given direct access to Mort with a 1 on 1 private session, 7 Tele Seminars, and so many extras. All of this to equip you with the skills to keep your marriage intact.
Like I said earlier, I am not married. However, I hope to get and stay married someday. That is why I was happy to review Mort’s program. In preparation of being the good wife I hope to be I welcomed the gems Mort shares in his program. My favorite takeaway was that love has a cycle. All of us know this and have experienced it in every romantic relationship we’ve encountered. It starts off with a feeling of infatuation, that “in love” feeling. That feeling of butterflies and giddiness that is sure to dissipate. In my last relationship, the “in love” feeling didn’t last long and instead of continuing the relationship cycle my ex chased that feeling and found it in many other women. While my ex won’t be my life partner, I now understand that just because that feeling goes doesn’t mean that the love is over. While falling in love was easy, maintaining love is going to take work. Because I am willing to do the work I am confident that when I get married it will be a love that lasts.
Ask yourself this, when you said til death do us part did you mean it? If so, what are you willing to do so maintain your marriage? My suggestion is to try 7 Secrets to Fixing Your Marriage by Mort Fertel and do the work to save your marriage. Did I mention it’s free?
Written by Dena Reid, Esq., Founder of Code Red Flag and Amazon bestselling author of Flag On The Play. Ms. Reid is also a legally trained Conflict Mediator/Coach who specializes in family and domestic disputes. Ms. Reid writes an advice column, hosts events, facilitates workshops, and speaks nationwide on a variety of topics. For more information email info@coderedflag.com.
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