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One thing I’ve learned in the fight for love is that it requires your attention. Now I know that sounds easy. But with everything going on to distract us, we tend to forget what’s important. Think I’m lying huh? Raise your hands if you text while you’re driving. Oh that didn’t apply to you? Okay. Raise your hands if you text while you are waiting a stop light. That didn’t apply either? How many of you are texting or Facebooking during Sunday service? If that doesn’t hit you, how many of you play on social media while you should be working? Yep, that should be all of you. And if you didn’t raise your hand, I’ll get to you in a minute.

As I said in the beginning, the fight for love requires your attention. Although my last true relationship left me wounded, I learned quite a few things during the tour of duty. When my ex and I first began dating, I would normally roll up in her home with my Bluetooth on, my work phone on my hip, my personal phone in my hand, and thumb drives hanging from my neck. I wore work into her home. I would normally kiss her and still have everything on. I would normally check the phones or whatever while I was there because I was so used to it. After a week or so of doing this, she finally asked me to take off the Bluetooth, take off the thumb drives, and put the personal phone on vibrate. In so many words, she wanted my undivided attention. She didn’t want to share me with anyone while I was in her presence. At first, I thought she was being insecure. I didn’t want to ruin finally being with her so I obliged. After a while, I realized that this was actually a good thing. I was able to have meaningful conversations with her . . . . or at least I thought they were meaningful . . . . . .

At any rate, I appreciate the lesson. So many times we attempt to enter into relationships with all of this unnecessary chatter that we are trying to give life to. You know, those people that want you to stay alone and be miserable until they divorce their significant other. Or it can be those shows that feed that bitterness you have from a past hurt. Or you could be addicted to social media having to take a fucking selfie everywhere you go or post everywhere you go. You can’t allow yourself to be distracted like that because there is always someone attempting to chase the crowd. Remember ladies, guys are not sexy until they are in relationships. You have to protect your throne or someone else will be sitting there.

Love is a battle. Focus!
Written by Michael Dock

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