November, 2015



About a month ago, a business partner asked me out of the blue “How can I add value to you?” As I sat at my desk, I was at a lost for words (imagine that?). I contemplated what she meant and honestly, what was in it for her. Before the pause became too long, I solicited clarification as to what she meant. She explained that although we had a partnership, I was not benefiting from it. While I was getting likes and people to comment on the articles on myRead More

YOU, ME, & SHE: 3’s Company

One of the reasons that relationships fail is that we have too many outside parties involved in our relationships. We all have friends, some closer than others, and we at times confide in these people. These are the people that have supported us in our times of greatness and at our lowest moments. We sometimes look to them for answers when we lack clarity or are too emotionally infused to find our own resolves. Friends can be wonderful assets. But just like a coin has two sides, friends can alsoRead More

GENDER ROLES: Do Women Really Want To Be Equals When It Comes To Dating and Relationships

Equality is defined the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Equal is further defined as being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value and having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge). Women want to be considered equal to men. They want the same status, rights, and opportunities. I agree that they should be. But when it comes to dating and relationships, many women do not want to be equals. They want to maintain these gender roles. They just won’t admit it because theyRead More


So I’ve been reflecting on my dating life for the past year. To be more specific, I’ve been reflecting on all the mishaps I’ve experienced over the year. Whether it has been meeting with women who suddenly realize that they are not equipped to battle in the coliseum, me not having enough scrilla to maintain an Atlanta housewife, or females lying about their sexual prowess, the courting process has left me a bit perplexed. Frustrated. Angry even. Still, I continue to see blogs, memes, and status updates stating that femalesRead More
